uisehhh..hujan bukan main kuat lagi time ni... feels like wanna crawl to my bed and have a good sleep. macam saja la...
ok, back to my title of today!
ya, early this morning my brother's house kena masuk pencuri. the kejadian happened around 3am. all of us were awaken by my brother's shout. scary oh! itu pencuri masuk dari tingkap tandas di dalam bilik tidur dorang. at that time, my brother was sleeping in the living room with tv still on but i think he won't hear anything jg coz maybe the door was closed. my SIL awake when the thief terlanggar buaian baby to grab her handphone. masa tu dia tenampak tu pencuri sedang membelakang dia but she thought it was her husband. she called my brother but he didin't respond. and the scary part is the thief turned face to face with her & oh my! baru my ipar realised itu ada la orang lain. he was only wearing underwear (kalerful one) and use his baju to cover his face 'ninja style'. scary movie eh!! if it was me, maybe sa suda berabis teriak time tu..but nasib the ninja thief nda buat apa2 to her & her baby. tu pencuri sempat lagi baca2 something to my ipar but thank god nothing happened to her. so, memandangkan my ipar masi sedar, dia pun dengan lajunya berlari melalui tingkap sliding yang dibukanya (mau pasang grill suda ni oh klu tingkap jenis sliding punya).
so, dipendekkan cerita, itu pencuri berjaya melarikan diri dengan sebiji handphone samsung galaxy note 2. yang bikin heran, teda pula anjing di kawasan kejiranan kami (kana pugai kali) yang menyalak time tu. dan dia juga ada meninggalkan 'cenderahati' di tempat kejadian - sepasang stokin brand camel. hehehe..
it's not a safe world for us now. this is the first time that happened to our family. hopefully, after this we will be extra careful and take more precaution in protecting our safety or home. better sorry now than later ba kan...
whatever it is, thank god that my brother's family were safe & that thief ada 'perasaan'. if he don't have 'perasaan' don't know what will happened to my ipar. ***palis palis***