Tuesday, October 08, 2013

rainy october

it has been rainy days since last friday. and today pun raining di awal pagi yang membikin sa malas mau bangun...hmm...it was a very cool morning which i have love & hate relationship with..isshh..what am i talking about..ok just leave it there.

oh well..mari la sa update dulu ni blog. maklum la suda lama di tinggalkan. bersawang suda.. i last blogged about cerita hari raya... huhu..ni la ni kalau malas menghadap komputer time2 di rumah. makanya terpaksa la sa menggunakan masa keja (oppssss....kedapatan mah!) untuk update blog yg bersawang ini. tiba2 sa teruja mo kasi update blog coz selalu jg sa cubuk2 blog org ba (kiranya jadi silent reader suda) especially the travel blog. huh! bila la lagi sa dapat pigi travel ni...

ok, lets see...during my previous entries macam ada sa cakap mo blog pasal aktiviti group CRDR kami kan. ba ni kali sa kasi cerita aktiviti berpiknik kami. this is our third time group picnic. we had our first picnic at tg. lipat back in 2011. macam tiap tahun we organized picnic for our group. just to hang around with the members and have fun. i didn't blog about the 2nd picnic which was held at the third beach tg. aru last year and it was a fun day at the beach (masa tu masing2 bawa perut boyot pigi beach..haha) 

so, here is out third picnic outing which was held at Tg. Aru first beach. some of the members couldn't make it on that day. 

our perfect location. ada jauh sikit from the public toilet but the place just nice to hang around to makan-makan and also cuci mata ^__^. sila abaikan si perut buncit. that's my bro, the only brother..haha..sorry, no makanan pictures since sa sangat lapar dan amat malas mo menggambar ketika time makan. makanan 'potluck' adalah menjadi amat sedap bila kita berpicnic dan sentiasa akan lapar.....hehe

celebrating the jan-jul'13 birthday babies. the cake was yummilicious!! we bought it from strawberry cake house. ada ramai lagi member yg lain whose birthday falls between jan to jul'13 tapi dorang malu2 mau join bergambar...

sangat sedap! both my heroes birthday falls between these months.. happy birthday darlings (belated)!

santai time! no other activities done selain makan dan main bola tampar. memang teda dlm plan mo buat games2 time picnic. teda cukup masa lagipun budak2 pun masi kici. tunggu dorang besar dulu la baru buat ban....yak games.

ok, peace jan nda peace ^____^ saat2 menunggu masa untuk pulang. see my baby back there. tidur suda dia, kepenatan plus teda tidur time tengahari. susah gia dia mo tidur siring2 pantai. panas lagi..

spot the difference? haha..tetiba ada org putih masuk ikut begambar. 

ba, jaga ada green monster! haha..klu baby sa nampak ni gerenti dia takut berabis. nasib dia tidur time ni..huhu..actually banyak lagi member yg lain nda pigi begambar. shy-shy cat kunu...deii....kami pulang at about 5pm that day. so exhausted tapi worth it dapat outing pigi beach with my lil prince. 

nah, enjoy this pictures taken when the cuties gathered one fine day. so cute of these little people. 

 2012 & 2011 babies! yeah, we gonna rock the neighborhood in da future!

 my best friend & her daughter ; julia & little lovely amanda. isn't she lovely?

and last but not least, my little darling. mummy loves you so much baby! he's one year & 3 months already. cepatnya masa berlalu! he's one active boy & super manja to me & his papa.


  1. Wahh siok!! kami biasanya gather time CNY.. kalau bosan gather d rmh sepa2, kami cari port... besanya kundasang la.. hehehehe... heart the pic with all the lil ppl! hehehehhe

    1. iya siok sis just! sekarang lagi ni kebanyakan member suda jadi mama mama, jd lagi meriah la tu gathering with small kids..hehe...
