Friday, February 08, 2013

happy birthday!

Happy birthday darling!
Thanks for all the things you’ve give to – love, care, time and attentions.
I hope that our relationship will last forever.
Enjoy you special day!

darling, thank you for always being there and for all the things that you've done for me. you're my best friend, my love and most important my dear hubby ^__^. i want to spent my lifetime loving you. sorry cause i couldn't give a big and expensive gift for you tapi ok juga ba kan i spent you at open-air steamboat at kg. nelayan yesterday..hehe..

darling, i love you so much!!

his expensive hobby :) tapi bekalan bule sampai 1/2 bulan juga oh...lumayan!
he will be going to deep sea fishing next week..huhu... makanya gambar with ikan la yang kana kasi tayang..hihi


  1. Siok juga hubby ko suka memancing. Bnyk dpt ikan fresh2

  2. iya, dia mimang kaki pancing. tapi trip dorang hari tu kena kensel coz anchor kapal rosak. suda sampai pulau mengalum tapi terpaksa balik. should be 3 days 2 nite trip ba tu. pukas lor teda ikan..hehe

    1. Limpas dulu...hehehe..Luar pulau mangalun suda tu..ombak time tu mngkin ada la 2.5 meter.
