Thursday, November 27, 2014

my boy Jaden

u're 2 years and 5 month or 29months old already.
u still have ur baby talks which i can't understand completely.
but hey, u're sweet talker. u say 'hi!' to anyone new to u.
but kasian, sometimes ur greeting was not reply. 
and u talk a lot now. and u have some kind of tune that makes my heart melt.
kadang dia bercakap macam berbelit-belit lidah dia mo cakap. lucu ni.
u can eat by urself but most of the time, manja minta suap.
he likes to mandi. tapi if he mandi by himself memang la 'mandi karabau' punya. suka betul main air.
kids n gadget memang nda bule dipisahkan ba kan? terutamanya my handphone. suka betul main handphone. takut pula 'hangkang' our phone dibuatnya. nanti menangis darah mo beli baru. huhu.
he still been babysitted by his nanny. i planned not to send him to taska next year. but see first how la. 
he can count. he can a b c. and he can sing. ehehehehe..
i'm so lucky that i have trained him to sleep on time during the night. iya sometimes terlajak juga mo dekat jam 10pm but always his sleep time is around 8pm to 9pm. nda juga sa stress mo tunggu dia tidur. and he still tidur dalam ayunan. after he asleep baru we transfer him to his bed. and he is so berat to angkat. 
i tried not to marah2 him selalu especially when he kacau his adik. must pujuk him and most of the time, he makan my pujukan. i love it when i can pujuk he not to cry and sayang-sayang his adik. but most of the time dia mimang malas mo sayang adik dia. jeles la tu.

susah juga mo kasi balance itu kasih sayang oh kan..? 

anyway, mommy hope u will grow to be a fine young man my dear son. u will always be my jantung hati!! 


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