Monday, November 17, 2014

o happy days!

i is happy when i'm with my children and at my mum's house. hehe. but i am not really like the shouting environment there (read - shouting to the small kids). maybe they do not really care about the impact to the child when they're growing up. i wouldn't shout to my babies like that. it broke my heart.  sa selalu teriak my baby jaden but not that kind of teriak if you know what i meant. i hope they can kasi kurang teriak or pujuk their anak by using the reverse psychology. ada ba begitu kan? hehe

ba mari layan koleksi gambar my babies semasa mereka berada di rumah mama mereka ^___^

Thia santai at mama's room
smile with the eyes..hehe
yeah! u have ur mom's smile Thia :)
With Edek the big brother among the cousins.
Jaden with his cousin, Aira (yang suka membuli dia.. hehe)


  1. tried the reverse psychology tp tu la.. lain budak lain cara kan.. yg abg, mcm buli pakai ni reverse psychology tp yg girl.. adedehhh... mcm nda jalan tau.. bikin geram ni.. pandai melawan.. tp comel! Haihhh...

    1. budak2 klu melawan kadang nampak comel tp mmg bikin geram jg kan. c jaden pun skrg boleh makan pujuk tp nda tau la nti besar..hihihi..
