Saturday, March 07, 2015

part time once in a blue moon

so damn tired!

but i do enjoyed working at our boss's cny open house (05/03/15). mingling with the other staffs, serving soft drinks (and also the beer) to the guests was fun. but at the same time macam mau patah itu pinggang juga la ;) yes, that was the task given to me and the other staffs; serving drinks to the guest. a never ending story coz the beverage kena topped-up saja. especially the beer! for the soft drinks we put it in the glass (styrofoam) before we serve it to the guest. we had our dinner earlier before we start serving. yummee foods! and the lion dance started as early as 630pm and people were coming already. i think we started to work at about 7pm.
and follow up by the young and talented drummer from the st. james primary school (every year they were invited to perform at the boss open house). and then more lion dance performance but since we had to serve drinks we have no time to enjoy the lion dance. lagipun macam biasa jak.. ahahaha.. kenen... 
it is about 1100pm that the beer completely finished. fuh! tinggal soft drinks saja lagi. punya la penat mau tunggu itu beverage habis..haha! itupun there's still guests yang came to the bar to ask for the beer. i'm sorry.... no beer already! actually we want to go home early but we were told to wait until all the guest went back home (and also the tung tung chang to end their performance). selagi belum habis lion dance show, itu guests masi lagi terpacak tingu tu lion dance. pfffftttt... ba jom lihat pictures yang sempat saya ambil malam tu..tidak dapat gambar banyak2 since bertugas. nanti kedapatan pula curi tulang...ahahaha..
pokok limau harus ada
orchids? no la. flower.............. hihi...
the ceria sumandak in pinks :)
the pink ladies in action (wajah kepenatan semuanya)
the last lion dance performance of the nite
the last angpow i got for this cny 2015 (like like like)
and i was home at 1am, have a quick bath (with air panas) and sleep soundly, not! i wake my thia to breastfeed her (my breastmilk was leaking time on duty, resulting my baju wet like macam kena tuang air saja...adoii). terus dia nda mau tidur ba. same goes to my jaden! he's awake and refused to sleep. hmmm... last i checked the clock was at 230am. mungkin ada la dekat-dekat jam 330am kali dorang tidur tu including me... huh! what a day for me. besoknya have to go to work lagi....