Friday, October 31, 2014

Greeting from Iceland

Wah, punya sa happy dapat poskad all the way from Iceland! Sekarang tunggu ole-ole fridge magnets lagi from my friends ^__^ Yippee!!!
"The Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis can be seen in Iceland from August to mid-April"

Thursday, October 30, 2014

i can't hardly wait!

for my ole-ole *smiling ear to ear*

My friend just came back from her Taiwan trip. I belum minta ole-ole pun tapi she know already I will want a souvenir from her.. Miahahahaha.. Best kan dapat friend like this??? I got jealous seeing all her photos shared thru FB. Another ole-ole is from my uni friend Europe trip in early this month. Ini lagi la bikin nangis tengo all the beautiful pictures shared thru her FB. She's been to 19 countries so far (haha..FB stalker). Thumbs up to her! 

I missed to travel. Travel with my best friends. Travel in a group. Travel with my darling hubby. The last time I get out of this country was with my old buddies (my partner-in-crime) to Vietnam. It was a great experience since I never been a backpacker traveler. Selalunya mesti ikut tour. And that was in 2012 **sigh**

Cuti-cuti Sabah pun teda. Huh! Rindu mo buat road trip with the Hubby. But this time must bring the babies. Untuk kasi lagi havoc itu trip! Hehe.....  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

blessed day!

Once again we had a small family (and friends) gathering on Saturday to celebrate the thanksgiving for blessing of marriage of my cousin at his house. Unfortunately, we can't make it to the church to witnessed their marriage blessing. Susah bah kalau bawa budaks kecil ni.. So, we just went to his house and joined the blessing prayer and after that makan-makan time.. Happy hour! The food was yummy but most important food was the CAKE! Wow..yummee and it was a homemade cake by Helen, the cousin sister-in-law. 

And at night pula,  me and the babies went to my best friend (Koyo) daughter- Chubby's 6th birthday party at her house. Makan lagi (macamna la mau diet ni..hmmm)! It was so tiring to take care both of my babies alone. My hubby went to play football - friendly match that night. Jauh lagi tu di Sepanggar.. Uwaaah... Nasib my baby Thia not fussy at all. She's okay with all of them when they dukung her. Thank God! I can fed Jaden and makan without any worry.. Hehe.. Tapi kena makan dengan laju juga la.. Kesian juga dorang dukung lama-lama si Thia. Lebih kurang jam 10 lebih baru my hubby sampai and let him eat first, chit chat with friends sekejap pastu baru we went back home. Gosh! So tired. Arrived home approx 11pm.. Huhu.. Didn't manage to snap the Frozen Theme birthday cake (so nice deco oh tu kek!). Nanti la tunggu sharing from de watsapp.. Layan gambar cupcakes saja la dulu..

p/s: Kesimpulan : On Saturday we no need to masak at home......blissful!!! Cuti dari memasak ^_____^

Friday, October 24, 2014

thanks for everything!

Got this free sample for New Born from Drypers Baby Club. Unfortunately that not the size that i requested for. I requested to try for the Drypantz XL for my baby Jaden. But i think they've messed up..hihi..See the name on the address? How come my name change to chinese name? miahahaha...So, I gave the sample to my sister for her baby Oden.
Yahuu...! Some snacks and Taiwan coffee as Ole-Ole given by hubby's Boss who went to Taiwan recently. Sikit-sikit pun ok la. Asal ada kan. Got sunglasses also, Ripcurl brand yo! Thanks to hubby's Boss ^__^. Can't wait for my Ole-Ole from my friend currently in  Taiwan for cuti-cuti. Waduh, jeles I tau..
Yeah! I just received these lovely dresses for Thia from my best friend, Mary today. Even tough it was a belated gifts but I do appreciate it (very much!). A brief meet up with her and her lovely kids during lunch time and i'm so happy to see them.

On the other hand, my babies membesar dengan sangat cepat! I've missed them when they were still months young..rindu with their baby's scent. Adakah begitu? teehee 

 See... Thia pun pandai suda main Ukelele. Kalah saya oh! Haha...

p/s: Tomorrow is public holiday (Awal Muharram). Happy Holiday my dear friends!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

weekend story

last saturday, we had another small potong kek gathering sempena farewell for my colleague. and also heavy breakfast. hehe..macam nda percaya saja dia resign ba. sedih juga. but what to do life goes on orang bilang.

and then after works we had a small gathering to celebrate the ex-colleague birthday di Upperstar Damai. and i don't know why i went to Upperstar Lintas (bengong punya kes). i brought Jaden with me. at first he behave well in the car. after a while, he throwed tantrum. punya saya meradang. suda la salah tempat. huh! tapi apa-apa pun "happy birthday JM" masi muda lagi ba...10 years younger than me.. gosh!!!

nyum nyum nyum.. lagi yummy if the minion cupcakes cake were chocolate moist.. teeheee!
not really a red velvet cake fans.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Another farewell

Today we have luncheon farewell to one of our colleague at Cherry Restaurant. She will be serving the government from next week ** mood jeles ni **.. hehe. So young and playful girl she is. She will be missed.

Thanks for your friendship ya AJ! All the best in everything you do ^___^

I only managed to take this pictures. Haha. My friend yang mau 'chow' suda tu is berbaju warna gelap (yang sedang tengo fon). I ordered Wat Tan Hor (same as my boss) who sat next to me and my friend yang duduk next to me pula ordered fish and chips. Y U M M Y! Yang lain-lain sa nda larat mau pigi gambar makanan dorang :)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

holiday pictures

last weekend punya cerita ni. 
we just stayed at home since it has been raining all day long. 
yes, 3 days holiday break just lepak kat rumah. hihi..

happy weekend guys!

Friday, October 10, 2014

gathering at cousin's house

time2 hujan begini ni teringat sa balik the yummylicious food during our family small reunion at my cousin's house last july.. lama sda ba sa draft this post, sekarang baru terpost. hihi.

13th july 2014 (sunday)
it was a planned gathering actually. since my cousin is coming back for her short trip cuti balik kampung. lagipun lama da teda family gathering jadi with the help of whatsapp family group maka terjadi la acara makan2 & gather2 ni.  

yes, makan lagi ;)

on the other hand, susah jg mau bawa anak kici pigi gathering2 ni. kena layan anak ja la sa hari tu tapi when thia was sleeping sempat la jg pg bercerita2 with my cousins & aunties. dan si jaden pun payah juga mo jaga dia ni. bule tahan jg kenakalan dia. bule pingsan ^____^ mo kena sabar layan karenah dia ni.

nah, bila suda berkumpul. ada ada saja cerita terkini untuk di kongsi dan di gossip. hehe

makanan & minuman sedap in da house. itu macaroni adalah my homemade. itu saja yang sa pandai buat. the other main dishes nda sempat kana snap. makan terus :)

18th july 2014 (friday)
we're invited to another gathering at my cousin house to get together for a holy rosary prayer since my cousin will be going back to kl the next day. i didn't bring jaden this time coz i know the havoc he will bring *exaggerated a lil bit..hehe* my hubby bring him to his uncle house just nearby my cousin's house.

siok juga ba sekali sekali berkumpul with the family. we had one big family on my dad's side which have 12 siblings. ini bulum lagi semua berkumpul. actually, susah mo berkumpul kecuali if ada keramaian like wedding day in the family or sad story (passed away case). anyway, hope to organise one proper but santai family gathering in the future. seriously, i didn't recognize some of my cousins children.

p/s: kenapa mesti ada peter vella??? hihi

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

wordless wednesday oct#2

my phones were flooded with these pictures shared thru WhatsApp yesterday

credit to all those who shared the pictures.. hehe

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

ada apa dengan nama

Wow! 3days in a row..hujan membasahi bumi tanpa henti. In fact it has been raining since last week. Me, no keluar rumah sepanjang holidays.. penat juga la layan karenah anak-anak. But it's worth it!!

And today in history, jam 930am me & hubby go to work :)

Back to my post title;

I have a lot of nick name.
My families, close friends, kawan satu kampung & high school friends called me Ann. As simple as that :)

When entering the working world, I've been calling by few names such as JJ (as my initial), Joanne, Jo & Wen (adui..punya jauh lari ni sound nama sa..hihi). When I become a mom, some of my younger colleague (at a/c dept) calling me Mummy. best kan? hihi..

While in current company, only my close friend, Kuan (high school friend) calling me Ann and the rest same as above except Wen. teehee..and got one addition that is Ibu..haha...cute kan? but soon i will not be hearing this panggilan since my colleague a.k.a my anak will be leaving this company.. tsk tsk... sedih oh.. (she's already gone by the time i post this..uhuk uhuk..)

Yang betul, my real name is Jo Ann.

p/s: Paling sa malas orang mo minta tau macam mana mo spelling nama sa.. hahaha.. how about u my dear friends, u got a lot of nick names?? teehee....

Friday, October 03, 2014


yeah yeah!!!

super long holiday means spending my time with my babies 24hours/day (times three days)

me super likey...

til then, happy holidays to you all!

Thursday, October 02, 2014

melawat muzium

last august, me, hubby & Jaden jalan-jalan pigi muzium. it was my........ mmmm, i dunno how many times did i visited the museum. but for sure, it was Jaden first time visiting the museum. at that time, the main exhibition was focused on the national day theme. since it was the month of august kan. the replica of the big giant whale skeleton was kept there. the museum is a good place to educate our next generation of our legacy (especially for Sabahan) and for foreigner/tourists to see the rich and diversified culture and interesting infos about Sabah. 

father and son moments
NBR No.7 for full info about NBR read here
North Borneo Railway ~ am proud to be Sabahan. It's the only rail operated on the Borneo island.

dear Jaden,   
mummy was so happy to spend the day with you even tough only a few hours. but it's worth it. apa lagi kalau pigi those tempat yang jarang kena lawat. hehe. you behave well during touring around the museum. maybe the darkness of the place makes you feels creepy. mummy would love to bring you to the museum next time, and that time you'll have a friend that is your little sister. hehehe.. 

some infos:  

Opening hours - Open daily from 9am to 5pm

Admission fees
  • Malaysian Guests - RM2.00
  • Non-Malaysian Guests - RM15.00
Malaysians only:
  • Students in uniform - Free
  • Disabled Guests - Free
  • Senior Guests - Free
  • Taxi Drivers - Free 
Nah, apa tunggu lagi, murah saja admission fees dia kan. bawa la the whole family jalan-jalan pigi muzium. siok ba ^___^




Wednesday, October 01, 2014

wordless wednesday oct#1

i can't wait for the long break this coming weekend.
need to beautify our own living room at home. 


this is so true!!!