Tuesday, October 07, 2014

ada apa dengan nama

Wow! 3days in a row..hujan membasahi bumi tanpa henti. In fact it has been raining since last week. Me, no keluar rumah sepanjang holidays.. penat juga la layan karenah anak-anak. But it's worth it!!

And today in history, jam 930am me & hubby go to work :)

Back to my post title;

I have a lot of nick name.
My families, close friends, kawan satu kampung & high school friends called me Ann. As simple as that :)

When entering the working world, I've been calling by few names such as JJ (as my initial), Joanne, Jo & Wen (adui..punya jauh lari ni sound nama sa..hihi). When I become a mom, some of my younger colleague (at a/c dept) calling me Mummy. best kan? hihi..

While in current company, only my close friend, Kuan (high school friend) calling me Ann and the rest same as above except Wen. teehee..and got one addition that is Ibu..haha...cute kan? but soon i will not be hearing this panggilan since my colleague a.k.a my anak will be leaving this company.. tsk tsk... sedih oh.. (she's already gone by the time i post this..uhuk uhuk..)

Yang betul, my real name is Jo Ann.

p/s: Paling sa malas orang mo minta tau macam mana mo spelling nama sa.. hahaha.. how about u my dear friends, u got a lot of nick names?? teehee....


  1. Mine was Jus dulu time sikul.. pastu bila masuk kolej, roomate refuse sebut Jus. Dorang call me Jas instead. Smpai la time uni kekal Jas. Bila sdh karaja, tukar ejaan p Just. Heheheh... Nama sy common Dusun's name. Heheheh..

    1. Sis, tukar ejaan ah..hehe.. sa rasa bida ba klu org minta spell nama..can u imajin? Jo Space A huruf besar nn... miahahahaha... org pun bingung ada space lg tu nama..selalu sa kasi iya saja klu dorang spelling sendiri nama sa. yg penting itu sound ngam..hahaha

    2. Hahahaha... sy pnya nama org selalu eja teda 'h' di blkg. annoying betul. Unik urg kl bilang tu nama, pdhal sy nda brp suka... huhuhhuhuuh
