first day of december and it's my birthday!!
today, went to office and been receiving a lots of birthday wishes from my colleagues.
and as well as sms wishes from my close friends (thanks guys!)
nda dilupakan juga friends and families yang wish di fb (til this moment, fb notification still on..hehe)
actually, i'm planning to do scan for my baby today (almost three months now - capat butul masa berlalu)
but nda kesampaian planning sa. maybe i'll do it on saturday ja la.
after work, went yumcha with my two bff ~ bb & kay at our fav spot, food city.
did i mentioned that everytime go yumcha with them mesti nda lekang dari ketawa riang ria? that's us ^__^
we call it a day as early as 7.30pm (selalunya dekat2 jam 9pm baru ingat pulang). penat ba sa...
oh ya, ada pula dorang kasi kek utk sa ~ 'marble cheese cake' ~ sangat sedap!! with 3 big candle & 2 little candle.
ya, that's my age as of today. muda lg ba kan?? hihi...
ok, that's all for my birthday story. simple eh?
christmas mood ---> ACTIVATED!!
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
speechless + happy = awesome!
hi, happy sunday to you all!!
i wanna share the good news as well as the beginning of my new life! **aiseymen...hehe**
it's POSITIVE! 2 line bebeh....!!
i can't describe how's my feeling when i've done the pregnancy test on last tuesday (18 oct) early morning. i was late for 5 days and i can't wait until the 7 days to do the test :) and the result was unexpected one. last month i waited for my period to come and it did come. i had my period regurlarly. but this month i just feel that i had to do the test before the 7th day.. hehe..teda kesabaran suda. and oh my....in less than 2 minutes i got the result and i am speechless + happy + berdebar-debar when i see the two lines on the tester. i quickly went upstair to my bedroom (coz my darling still asleep) and showed the tester to him. and he just smile ear to ear and said all our 'hardwork' had been paid. okay, i just add that ah...he no say like that..haha! we are so happy that morning!! i can't help myself from smiling all day long..
i wanna share the good news as well as the beginning of my new life! **aiseymen...hehe**
it's POSITIVE! 2 line bebeh....!!
18 october 2011 @ 7.30am |
however, first thing in my mind, i have to text my bff (ellie) to inform her about my positiveness. my sms were llike this "2 lines :)) i'm so happy" and she knew it right away! oo i can't wait to get the tips from the bestie and as well read other mommies blogger to read about their pregnancy experiences..hehe... hati sa sangat berbunga-bunga pada hari itu. can't wait what 's next for me...
i went to the private clinic first to get confirmation on my pregnancy on 20 oct (thursday) and it tested positive. according to the doctor, i'm at my 5 weeks pregnancy based on the last day of my period. owwhh..so sweet :) i decided to go to government clinic on next monday (24/10/11) for my first review. since this is my first baby, my bff advised me to go to government clinic for monthly review. beside that, i can opt to go for private clinic to scan my baby's condition. can't wait to see our little one..
earlier, there's not much symptoms that showed i was pregnant. semuanya macam biasa saja sa rasa. sa mimang kuat makan dan berat badan mimang la makin naik. haha! early september i had a whole body traditional massage at centre point with my friend (ruzi). actually, it was a birthday treat for her. and i'm joining her to release tension (dan juga buang angin yg sangat banyak di dalam badan..hehe). and then got makan2 session with friends & family, different days. hmm....i need to control my eating suda oo..(padahal semalam suda berabis makan time dinner di magellan ~ will blog about it later) huhu..anyhow, i hope everything will be alright for my little one ^.^
according to below website;
Fetal development - 5 weeks
You won't look pregnant at this point but already your baby’s tiny heart has begun to beat and pump blood. The heart is dividing into chambers and will find a more regular rhythm soon. Your baby is about a quarter of a centimetre long and looks more like a tadpole than a human being. He'll have a growth spurt this week - the first of many!
p/s: suda mula mencari nama for sweet little one :)
Inside pregnancy video: a 3D animated look at a baby in this week of pregnancy. Take a look!
He's busily growing all his major organs, including the kidneys and liver. His intestines are developing and the appendix is in place. The neural tube, which connects his brain and spinal cord, will close this week. All these internal developments are matched by changes on the outside, too. The buds that will grow into your baby’s arms and legs begin to sprout. And below the opening that will later form your baby's mouth, small folds exist where the neck and the lower jaw eventually develop.
a little something from two of my partner-in-crime a.k.a the bestie (bb & kay) on my first pregnancy! we had dinner at 'pekan lama', citymall last friday. it's one of our favorite 'port' to lepaks :) we had a great meet up session (always great session bah!) and itu part 'laughing like no one care' misti ada punya..hihi!
thank you so much girls!! **hugs hugs** |
ok lah, that's all for now..i haven't officially told most of my friends & family about this good news. but sooner or later, dorang tau juga baitu kan.....hehe....
p/s: suda mula mencari nama for sweet little one :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
kim kay's wedding party (my dress)
another cathj's guest blogger segment! i decided to join the fun eventho i'm not that into fashion :-) yeah, it's not wrong to dream about high fashion ba kan?? hehehe... so, here we goes!
Kim Kardashian invited you to her wedding.. and as you all know the wedding dress code will be BLACK and WHITE.. you don’t follow the dress code.. you will not allowed to enter to the wedding reception…
i am pretty excited when seeing all the lovely dresses, gorgeous shoes, bling-bling accessories and lots of fashion in polyvore. it's fun browsing the site sampai putih mata mo pilih ooh ^___^ ba, here's my favourite... harap-harap nda kena reject la time wedding party si kim kay :p
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attire & accessories by annonn98 featuring trixxi dresses
$30,400 - kwiat.com
so, what you do you think?
wanna be fashionista ba kunun ni..hahaha! nah, forget it.
untuk suka-suka bule la :)
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
wordless wednesday : hobby
these are some of my fridge magnet collections (at the office).
more collections on the fridge magnet at home & in a box :)
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
what an unfortunate day
my hubby lost his wallet. huh! what a day....
today, i took MC since i had stomach ache (too much eating steamboat at kg.nelayan last nite) hmm....so, we went to see the doctor and soon after we take our breakfast at one of the kedai kopi at kolombong. so, normally my hubby will hand me his wallet to me to pay for the food. i remembered the owner gave me the change and i've put the money back to the wallet. after that, i've checked on my hubby car license and i put the wallet on the table.
so, when we get home and hubby asked me for his wallet, then we realised his wallet is missing. *panic+anger* attacked at this moment. so, we drove back to the kedai kopi but no one claimed saw a wallet (ya la, suda dpt duit mana mau bagitau lagi kan.....). luckily, we had paid our car loan before we went for the breakfast..if not, *matai kudasai* gigit jari la maknanya...
my hubby went to do the police report and the staff there directed him to do the car license as soon as possible. he did went to jpj bundusan but the staff there advised him to do the i/c first before applying for new license @#$%88&&& (bikin sayang minyak kereta saja). so, my hubby have to go to jpn inanam to get his temporary i/c and the go back again to jpj bundusan. you can't do any replacement of cards without your temporary i/c slip :-p
ok the damage done for today:-
ok the damage done for today:-
- police report - RM2.00
- jpn (new i/c-application) - RM10.00
- jpn (compound - 1st time lost) - RM100.00
- jpj (fee for lost license) - RM20.00
- jpj (1 year car license) - RM30.00 (since my hubby car license end on 24/2/2012, so they give the new card license date from 4/10/11 to 25/2/2013.
so, the total damage = RM162.00
he need to apply for new card for his other lost cards as well which another damage will be done **sigh**
i hope you all please take good care of your personal belonging. paling penting la tu i/c bah!!
Sunday, October 02, 2011
wake me up when september end
eh, october suda pula kan.....? how times flies so fast.
a little bit updates on my life here:-
- life's life? i'm still waiting for the good news *finger cross very very hard*
- i'm feeling lazy to update my blog (so many things to share. it's just that i don't have the mood to write. but i do miss to blog)
- work life? still gettin' jiggin' with it and the pressure is on (yay, nda lama lagi audit time suda ba....hate it!)
- love life? i still deeply madly in love with my hubby (macam lain la pula...hehehe)
today my brother and his wife went to philippines. i pray that they have a safe journey. they went to baguio in a group. harap2 dorang selamat sampai ke destinasi. they supposed to travel yesterday but their flight had been cancelled last minute. bikin takut ni cuaca sekarang :(
i'm feeling sleepy already (i hope i can restore back my blogging mood...hihi). night night!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
on this day next year
it will be a 'desperate housewives' trip!!!
can't hardly wait.
a compatibility test for all of us. haha!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
random food photo
hi. i'm back. it has been two weeks i'm out of the 'blog radar'. tapi, i still do bloghop ba. sa rasa 'ketinggalan keretapi' betul oo kalau nda pi melawat friend's blogs. hehe. actually, i have no interesting stories to be told. so, i just wanna share few of my random food photos taken with my hp. most of the pictures are my favourite foods **nyum nyum** sorry la kalau ni gambar2 buat kamurang kobihis k :p (maka sa sendiri suda kobihis mah) ^____^
ngiu chap di kolombong (nda hafal nama kedai) |
ngiu chap meatballs di kolombong juga |
yummy food @ taman agro tourism, cameron highlands |
simple nasi lemak tapi punya main sedap tu sambal!! dinner at cafe near equitorial, cameron highlands |
celebrating my friend's birthday at consfood taman yakim jaya. delicious!! |
tom yam mee hun @ food city, kolombong. the stall only open in the morning. u won't find them if you go there during night. but still there's another stall selling tom yam at night time :) |
tom yam meehun at kedai kopi janggut, lintas. ok ok la for me....hehe... |
mee hun sup seafood @ giant, kolombong. sup nampak jernih tapi taste dia ada ummmphhhhh..... |
looking at the photos makes me hungry again..ooo'ooo..it's almost midnite lagi ni. i better go sleep before getting hungrier T____T
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Life is Sorrow
Life Is Sorrow
Overcome It.
The only use of an obstacle is to overcome.
All that an obstacle does with brave men is, not to frighten them,
but to challenge them. ~ Woodroow Wilson
Saturday, September 03, 2011
sunbathed = sunburnt at malangang river
after the rafting session we all proceed to the other picnic area near the kem malangang kiulu, pusat kokurikulum sabah. there we had our makan-makan session also. but as soon as we reached the place, we directly go sunbathed at the cold water (very cold...grrrrrr). as a result, we all had sunburnt. i forgot to applied the sunblock lotion before going rafting. so, u guys better apply the sunblock lotion before if you're gonna do rafting in the future. ba, if you have times bring your friends or families to go picnic here. but there's not much facilities offered here (nda terjaga ba ni tempat). kesian ni..huhu..
yeah, sunbathing time :) |
naughty boy he is |
the only shelter that have table |
trying to aim the rocky rock |
father and son moment |
enjoying ourself |
anz ~ betul-betul sunbathing |
aunt and nephew moment :) |
enjoy your weekends peeps!
Friday, September 02, 2011
white water rafting in kiulu
whoah!!! i had a great time doing the white water rafting at kiulu on the 1st day of raya ^___^ punya main siok!!! . but the downside is all my muscle ache. all the 'forward' & 'backward' paddled and the 'defeated' time makes me feel very exhausted. thank god it was raining the previous day before the rafting day. i heard that the rafting activities were closed because of the low level of the river due to kemarau season. back to the 'defeated' story, actually i lost count on how many times i fell into the river during the boat capsized. maybe 6 out of 10 capsized boat T______T i actually volunteered to join the 'adventure group' since i want to feel the pumping adrenalin moments during the 7km rafting at kiulu river (cari pasal ba sa ni). i don't regret it but it really hurt when i fell on the rocky river. although i've done the body rafting skill but still my a** bumped on the rocky surface. oouchhh!!! ba, enjoy the pics that been taken by my darling (he didn't join us rafting that day). i haven't got the pictures during the rafting time since the pics not yet been delivered to us by the operator (riverbug~the best..hehehe)
kiulu river graded as class I - II is safe enough for families with children and also the elderly. you can enjoy the breathtaking views of along the river and at the same time enjoy doing the rafting activities. so, apa tunggu lagi bring your whole families to enjoy the white water rafting ^___^
i'm glad that i have done both famous white water rafting in sabah ~ padas & kiulu river. to compare the two places, i really admire the padas river adventure white water rafting. but to think that if the boat were to be capsized at the padas river, i have to think twice ooo.. hehe, but nonetheless for adventurous junkie, i think that's not a problem...konon la...but i wanna feel the adrenalin rush again doing white water rafting at sg. padas :)
after rafting we had lunch at one of the cafe at pekan kiulu. delicious food ^___^. kalau suda kelaparan memang semua makanan rasa sedap..hehehe...ba, stay tune for the next story > sunbathing at malangang river.
p/s: my darling went to deep sea fishing again. room alone for 2 nites..huhu.....
the hubby and nephew trying to do the titanic pose |
kiulu river |
1st group ~ with child |
2nd group - adventurous team |
3rd group ~ ladies with a male leader and the guide |
group picture |
with my lil nephew, his 3rd time water rafting :) |
remember to use good sandal during the rafting. if not end up with missing sandal..'pukas' terus...hehe |
after rafting we had lunch at one of the cafe at pekan kiulu. delicious food ^___^. kalau suda kelaparan memang semua makanan rasa sedap..hehehe...ba, stay tune for the next story > sunbathing at malangang river.
p/s: my darling went to deep sea fishing again. room alone for 2 nites..huhu.....
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
tanggal 31 bulan 8 57
**still on holiday mood**
selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan yg ke-54 ~ malaysia
i am really proud to be malaysian ^___^
presenting a series of photos taken last year showing the merdeka spirit by my nephew.
"bendera berkibar di angkasa..." |
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merdeka pose |
trying very hard to fix the flag |
merdeka! merdeka! merdeka! |
i hope malaysian enjoying their 3 days public holidays beginning 30th aug til 1st sept (except for those yang have to works during hari raya & merdeka day la...hehe). i had a great time during white water rafting in kiulu yesterday. will blog about it later. after that we went to picnic at the sg. malangang, stay there for about one and a half hour before going to open house at kota belud and later tuaran. what a tiring day.......
today, gonna visit my aunties house in kimanis at also in kinarut. before that, got open house at my boss house. huhu...makan saja la kerja sa hari ini :) ba, enjoy the raya open house you all....see ya!
Monday, August 29, 2011
selamat hari raya aidilfitri
tomorrow will be a holiday. yeah, yeah hari raya!!! ^__^
i wanna wish my moslem relatives & friends ~
selamat hari raya aidilfitri
maaf zahir dan batin.
semoga bergembira menyambut hari lebaran di samping keluarga tersayang.
please drive carefully during the holiday season okey.
pic courtesy Bethriz LG |
and yeah, malangang river here we come!!
it's rafting time with the group CDR :)
after the rafting session my darling & i will be going to kota belud.
yeah, ada makan2 ~ open house at his brother house.
hope to shoot the beautiful sunset at the nearby river (kalau sempat la).
pandu cermat jiwa selamat!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
from kuala penyu to tambunan
i'm going to tambunan tomorrow to attend the funeral of my sis-in-law's father-in-law funeral. my darling used to live with his sister's late father-in-law during his teenager time (he went to smk tambunan then). since my post will ada cerita sedikit sebanyak pasal tambunan, i'll share with you my journey (honeymoon trip lagi bah).
yeah, it's been a tiring honeymoon for us. but we enjoyed it very much and will remember it for the rest of our life *kompom!!* ^___^ we have done mud volcano bath, watching sunset, visit the snake island and sandpit when we're honeymoon-ing at pulau tiga, the survivor island. memorable!!
on the second day of our honeymoon trip, we went to sawangan beach lodge which we have booked earlier to stay one more night in kuala penyu. i hope to catch the beautiful sunset like what we had in pulau tiga. but too bad it was raining heavily that time. so, i just accompanied my hubby lepas gian fishing at the sawangan jetty. it was so cold - raining cats and dogs!!
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the simple deco inside the lodge |
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sawangan jetty |
local favorite past time |
it's raining men! nah........... it's raining cats and dogs... |
my darling lepas gian memancing but no fish ooo.. |
the very next day, i hope to catch the sunrise but i don't have the energy to wake up early. hehe, still felt tired from the pulau tiga trip. so, aunt vicky (the owner) showed me the sunrise pictures from her computer, wahhhhh, i am so amazed on the gorgeous sunrise pics..gigit jari sajalah..there's always some day ba kan (yeah right, i forget my rosary at the cabin ~ have reason to go back there **grinning**)
we took off from the resort at about 10am & we decided to take the ferry ride (it was my first time using kuala penyu ferry service). i thought we have to pay the service, tau-tau no need mah..punya lucu kami dua. bertingu-tingu kami when there's nobody there to collect the fee when we reached the other side. so, apalagi pecut la kami (hehe...ingat buli buat F1 ka di jalan kampung?). i like the route rather than the usual route (membakut-klias road). it saved more time and less vehicle on the road. but one have to be very careful with the junction la. nanti nda dapat pula cari jalan keluar kalau terlimpas junction. luckily my darling know the route & we safely reached the junction to the main road.
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yeah, first time using kuala penyu ferry service :) |
reached home at about 1pm. rehat sebentar & un-packed & re-pack again for the tambunan trip.. fuh!! it's very hot la that day! near 3pm we make our move to tambunan. we reached at the town at 5.30pm & search for a motel. initially, we want to stay at tvrc, but then my darling bro-in-law suggested we check the new motel in town (forgot the name) tapi sungguh la mahal rate dia. maybe next trip la..hehe..so off we go check-in at tvrc. not bad jg bah...all bamboo based :)
tambunan welcomed us with a beautiful rainbow |
after taking our bath, we proceed to my darling sister's house in nambayan. later on, we & his sister's family went to tngc to have our dinner. the bro-in-law belanja. after dinner, it's karaoke time!! yippeee!! the happy hour ended at about 11 something. it's time to go back and hit the sack..huh! tiring day for us! the next day we're not taking the usual route to go back kk. we're taking longer route this time which was my first time and i'm so excited :)
i guess tomorrow many of you will go back to your hometown to celebrate hari raya with families and loves one. happy holidays peeps! please drive carefully ya ^__^
biar lambat asal selamat!
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